Early safety profile: the first step for lead selection

To begin a thorough investigation of this phase, ANS Biotech provides its clients with various early safety assessment services performed by a highly skilled team.


Behavioral and neurophysiological observations


Charcoal meal test


Tail Flick test


Rotarod test

Numerous noninvasive techniques exist for assessing the general effects of a test substance on central nervous system (CNS) activity, as well as the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). Among them, the Irwin test and the gastrointestinal GI transit test are routinely used to rapidly provide preliminiary guidance on common safety issues of administered drugs.
The Irwin test is used to estimate the dose range for CNS responses and the primary effects on behavior within a short period of time (several hours to the next day). The results of this test are used to identify a safe dose range, the optimal pretreatment time and the duration of any effects to set the stage for subsequent tests of efficacy.
Gastrointestinal transit time using the charcoal meal test is commonly used to investigate the effects of drugs on gastrointestinal function.